
Thank you 2023-2024 Columbus East Student-Athletes!

By Dennis Pierce | May 21, 2024 2:42 PM

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Ah, the echoes of another thrilling season at Columbus East! As the dust settles on the fields and courts, the time has come to reflect on the journey we've shared. To our beloved Seniors, you've been the heart and soul of our team, guiding us with your wisdom and passion. As you embark on new adventures, know that your legacy will forever linger in the halls of our cherished memories. And to our returning athletes, the torch now passes to you. Embrace the offseason grind, for it is in these quiet moments of dedication that champions are truly forged. May your skills sharpen and your spirits soar as you prepare for the battles that lie ahead. But remember, amidst the hustle and bustle, take a moment to savor the simple joys of summer, and above all, stay safe. As the days grow shorter and the anticipation builds, we eagerly await the reunion that awaits us in August 2024. Until then, carry the banner of East Pride high, for it is not merely a slogan but a testament to the indomitable spirit that courses through our veins. Farewell for now, dear athletes, until we meet again on fields of glory. Fight on to victory Our O's march on, So brave are we. Hail to the mighty O's In orange and brown, Defeat our foes Our torch is burning bright Come on let's fight, fight, fight!